"Mr. Cooper's insight into operations on claims services and the conclusions drawn from his report aided us in dealing with the insurance carrier to obtain a reasonable resolution to the dispute."
- Timon M. Kaple,
Treasurer of General Partner,
San Francisco 49ers
"[Mr. Cooper] provided excellent advice and leadership. His work product was directly responsible for an advantageous settlement, avoiding a costly and time consuming trial."
- Gilbert T. Gonzalez,
MCS of Tampa
"Mr. Cooper thinks 'out of the box' and finds a solution to a problem. He not only sees the 'whole picture' but his attention to detail entails him to address the issue at hand. Mr. Cooper is capable to address any problem in a well thought-out manner."
- Deborah A. Sales,
Claims Manager (AutoNation, Sunbeam Corporation / Interim Services), Risk Manager (Roadhouse Grill), Assistant Risk Manager (Southeast Bank)
"Once again, I want to thank you for being such an excellent consultant to work with on some very serious and difficult workers' compensation issues. ...There is good news to report..."
- James Misselwitz,
Vice President, Evans Conger Broussard & McCrea, Inc.

Our Services

Acuity Risk Consultants offers our clients, our partners, the ability to reduce your company’s risk and to achieve ultimate cost containment.

We design our programs based on your needs.

Please browse our service schedule below or select your role to find services most suitable to your needs:

Select your role to find services most suitable to your needs:

Expert Analysis and Opinion

Acuity Risk Consultants employs some of the finest talent in the risk management industry. Our experts have participated in both litigated and non-litigated matters, representing plaintiffs and defendants. We handle complex litigation, including insurance and accounting disputes.

Our client representation is balanced with private employers, insurance companies, claims administrators and insurance brokers.

Examples of our practice areas include:

  • Bad Faith Allegations
  • Billing Disputes
  • Claims Mismanagement
  • Service Disputes
  • Broker or Agent Compensation Fraud
  • Premium Disputes
  • Broker Standards
  • Directors & Officers Insurance
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Claims Administration
  • Self-Insurance
  • Self-Insured Workers’ Compensation

To contact us about our Expert Analysis and Opinion services, please click here.

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Claims Auditing and Claims Reviews

Claim management is a core component toward achieving ultimate cost containment. If your company has not received the results of a Claim Audit from your insurance broker or agent, or participated in a Claim Review at least once each policy year, the errors and omissions committed by your claims handler may be costing you thousands of dollars. Our services include:

  • A review of all of your open indemnity (lost-time) workers’ compensation claims.
  • A review of your open claims reserves to determine reserve adequacy and reduction possibilities.
  • A plan for efficient claims handling and timely claim closure.
  • An evaluation of claims for settlement resolution.
  • An analysis of your company’s three-year loss history determining your loss modifier.

Acuity Risk Consultants partners with our clients to conduct Claim Reviews on an annual, semi-annual, or quarterly basis. Companies with exposure to large loss property claims or catastrophic workers’ compensation injuries suffer significant risk. With our partner’s consent, Acuity Risk Consultants conducts onsite Claim Audits at your insurance company’s or claim administrator’s offices. We identify concerns affecting claim management and address our findings with your insurer while onsite, providing immediate attention to your claims and motivating efficient results.

To contact us about our Claims Auditing and Claims Review services, please click here.

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Risk Control and Safety Services

We know your business. Our Risk Management Consultants are specially trained and certified in safety and loss control proficiencies. The diverse arena of risk control broadens or shrinks depending upon the needs of your business. A sample of our Risk Control services include:

  • OSHA Certification
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Confined Space Work
  • Safety Communications
  • Risk Management Auditing
  • Accident Prevention
  • Hazard Communications
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Lockout / Tagout Protocols
  • Material Handling
  • Forklift Safety
  • First Responder Training
  • Fire Protection
  • Premises Safety
  • Substance Abuse
  • Stress Prevention
  • Motor Vehicle Safety
  • Healthcare Safety
  • Wellness Programs
  • Blood Borne Pathogens
  • Skin Protection
  • Slip & Fall Prevention

Acuity Risk Consultants develops customized Risk Control and Safety Programs based upon your needs.

To contact us about our Risk Control services, please click here.

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Risk Management Program Audit

Acuity Risk Consultants are experts in risk management. Our Risk Management Program Auditing services are conducted by request, but recommended annually and, when possible, six months before going to market for your insurance needs. Our purpose is simple – asset protection.

Our services include:

  • Analyzing your risk exposures and evaluating your risk management program compliance.
  • Evaluating your employees’ risk management skills and proficiency.
  • Identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing your company’s exposure to loss and impact on profitability.
  • Reviewing your program to identify appropriate insurance coverage and policy limits.
  • Determining alternative risk financing options available to you.
  • Recommending improvements to your company’s Risk Management Program.

Acuity Risk Consultants conducts Risk Management Program Audits for many companies.

To contact us about our Risk Management Program Audit services, please click here.

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Claims Management

Every risk management professional understands that medical management controls the claim. The longer employees miss time from work due to work-related injuries, the more your workers’ compensation claims will cost. While budgets shrink and costs increase, more and more insurance companies have eliminated their internal claims departments. Instead, the claims management responsibilities are often outsourced to a third party claims administrator. Many companies never know who is handling their claims and how costs are being contained.

Effective claims management is a critical component to achieving ultimate cost containment.

Claims adjusters often handle hundreds of claims from dozens of clients and rarely communicate with you regarding important claims decisions.

Our services include:

  • Developing Claim Service Instructions (CSIs) providing service guidelines to your claims adjusters.
  • Establishing authority governing claim settlements and approval procedures.
  • Coordinating a Claim Review and Claim Audit schedule with our partners and your insurers.
  • Implementing Litigation Management Plans (LMPs) to control normal and customary litigation costs.
  • Managing the Third Party Administrator (TPA) selection process and implementation.

Acuity Risk Consultants offers our partners Claims Management services that reach beyond the claims adjuster’s desk and directly into your claim files.

To contact us about our Claim Management services, please click here.

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Medical Cost Containment

Medical management of workers’ compensation insurance claims is a multi-faceted approach toward helping injured workers achieve maximum medical improvement while controlling costs associated with their care. Many insurance companies outsource the medical responsibilities for workers’ compensation claims management to trained nurses. However, few nurses understand the legal requirements imposed upon licensed claims adjusters governing the management of insurance claims.  We do.

Acuity Risk Consultants provides our partners a myriad of cost containment services, including:

  • Bill Review and Bill Auditing
  • Nurse Case Management Oversight
  • Pharmaceutical Review
  • Independent Medical Exams (IMEs)
  • Fee Negotiations

To contact us about our Medical Cost Containment services, please click here.

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Procurement Assistance

Acuity Risk Consultants is not an insurance broker, insurance company or law firm. We are an independent risk management and insurance consulting firm who can assist your company in the selection of an insurance broker, insurance company, or law firm.

Acuity Risk Consultants provides services as an independent third party to assist you with your single-vendor renewal negotiations or multi-vendor bidding process.

Our services include:

  • Identification of your Risk Management Program requirements.
  • Assessment of current marketplace conditions, trends and available service providers.
  • Development of a Request for Proposal (RFP) specific to your business needs.
  • Submission of your company’s RFP the marketplace for bids.
  • Evaluation of proposals received and recommendations based upon criteria offered.
  • Negotiations with your prospective vendor concerning pricing and service options.
  • Oversight of the implementation process for your company’s new insurance service provider.

To contact us about our Procurement Assistance services, please click here.

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Policy Analysis and Cost Recovery

Acuity Risk Consultants are policy experts. Your company’s insurance policies are the only assurance offered to you regarding insurance coverage, policy limits, terms and conditions.

Your workers’ compensation insurance premium involves technical and complex details. Factors determining your premium include how your company manages risk, credits, your experience modification rating (MOD), employee classification coding and endorsements.

Our actuaries carefully examine all aspects of your workers’ compensation premium for your current and previous policy years to identify mistakes, omissions and premium overcharges.

Why pay more for your workers’ compensation insurance than you already do? Acuity Risk Consultants has recovered thousands of dollars for our clients.

To contact us about our Policy Analysis and Cost Recovery services, please click here.

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Catastrophic Loss Management

When disaster strikes, turn to Acuity Risk Consultants. Our experts help our partners respond to and recover from disasters ranging from tornados to terrorism. Our expertise stems from post-loss administration of countless hurricanes, floods and fires. We have also managed losses for partners following the September 11 and Oklahoma City Bombing terrorism events.

Our services include:

  • Loss Mitigation: Following a loss, most property insurance policies compel the business owner to protect their property from further loss. We are loss mitigation experts. We coordinate and supervise your loss mitigation strategies.
  • Business Continuity Planning: Far greater than any property loss suffered is the loss of income due to disabled or destroyed facilities. Operational interruptions can diminish your company’s profitability.
  • Restorative Services: We stand in the center of your restoration and recovery efforts. While you focus on the well-being of your employees, we will handle your risk recovery.

To contact us about our Catastrophic Loss Management services, please click here.

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Captive Insurance and Alternative Risk Consulting

Acuity Risk Consultants understands that not all risk avoidance or risk financing models work for every business. You are unique, and so are we.

Our Risk Management Consultants understand the benefits and pitfalls involved with captive insurance programs and alternative risk solutions. As global commerce continues to evolve, new risks are identified and must be addressed.

Captive insurance environments help clients in high-risk industries or who have experienced high-risk losses stay competitive in the marketplace. Excess insurance and reinsurance options, once reserved for elite clientele, are now available in nearly every industry. When existing captives or alternative risk solutions do not exist for your business, Acuity Risk Consultants creates them for you.

To contact us about our Captive Insurance and Alternative Risk services, please click here.

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Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management is neither a new nor emerging component of the risk management and insurance industry. Risk managers have practiced this comprehensive approach toward managing risk for years. Applying these concepts to your business operations will help maintain your company’s competitiveness among competition, especially when pricing is sensitive.

Acuity Risk Consultants are Enterprise Risk Management experts. We understand the concepts behind concrete risk management philosophies and risk tolerance assessments, risk identification, risk analysis, risk control, risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk transfer, risk financing and the role of risk management reporting and communications.

To contact us about our Enterprise Risk Management services, please click here.

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Risk Information Management Systems (RIMS)

Risk management within your organization can only be as effective as the tools you select to manage risk. While new technologies emerge, selecting the right RIMS for your company can either be a profitable or disastrous decision.

Acuity Risk Consultants understands the dynamic risk management tools available today. We help our partners evaluate their current risk management needs and select a RIMS which will provide the most effective and cost-efficient services possible.

Our services include:

  • Identification of RIMS available in the marketplace which are best suited to meet your company’s needs.
  • Assistance with the selection, design and implementation of your RIMS.
  • Coordinating project management responsibilities between your company and your RIMS vendor.
  • Managing data accuracy and integrity.
  • Optimizing and remediation of RIMS vendor difficulties, system failures and support.

To contact us about our Risk Information Management Systems services, please click here.

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Construction Project Risk (OCIPs)

Acuity Risk Consultants has partnered with many of our clients to design, implement and manage Owner Controlled Insurance Programs (OCIPs). Whether providing technical assistance or education during the feasibility and design stage, or reporting to senior executives following implementation and management of the program, our Risk Management Consultants are experienced in both single large construction and complex contractor projects.

We do not administer OCIP programs for any client. We will, however, coordinate the evaluation and selection process of OCIP administrators for our clients.

Our services include:

  • Identification, solicitation and selection of your OCIP administrators and/or broker.
  • OCIP design, functional responsibilities, and reporting procedures.
  • Insurance and service procurement.
  • Contractor and designer bidding assistance.
  • Program monitoring, maintenance and conclusion.

To contact us about our Construction Project Risk services, please click here.

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Bankruptcy and Restructuring

With an ever changing economy, businesses young and old file bankruptcy or reorganize every day. Acuity Risk Consultants employs Bankruptcy and Restructuring experts whose focus is asset protection and loss mitigation.

For companies who have or are considering bankruptcy or restructuring, our services include:

  • Evaluating all open claim files to determine claim reserve adequacy and claim resolution strategies.
  • Advocating for our partners when negotiating claim settlements and reserve reductions.
  • Participating in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and mediation procedures.

For companies who are creditors seeking compensation due, our services include:

  • Negotiating with insurers to achieve maximum payout for our partners.
  • Evaluating the accounting records of our partner’s customer to ensure accuracy and sufficiency of information.

To contact us about our Bankruptcy and Restructuring services, please click here.

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Litigation Management

Acuity Risk Consultants offers our partners extensive experience managing litigation services. When claims are litigated, insurance companies or claims administrators often engage the services of professional legal counsel. However, the benefit of providing legal defense to a litigated insurance claim can easily outweigh any benefit you may receive from the resolution value of the case.

We are litigation experts, but we are not attorneys. We do not offer professional legal services.

Our services include:

  • Development of Litigation Management Plans (LMPs) to serve as Best Practices for law firms representing you.
  • Negotiation of flat rates, hourly rates, or project rates depending upon our client’s needs.
  • Implementation of a fee schedule for common services or tasks.

To contact us about our Litigation Management services, please click here.

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State Approved Credit Programs

State Approved Credit Programs help employers reduce their workers’ compensation costs. Your company can receive premium credit discounts by meeting simple state-mandated requirements. Your Risk Management Program should include safety and loss prevention components, and adding these components to your Program can save your company even more money.

Acuity Risk Consultants assists our partners with qualification for State Approved Credit Programs. Our experts provide risk control education and support services for employers to help reduce workplace accidents and increase safety awareness.

Our services include:

  • Development of customized programs specific to your business and your industry.
  • Implementation of training and retention programs to achieve and maintain compliance with state accreditation.
  • Monitoring and maintenance of your submissions and annual qualifications to receive your premium credits.

To contact us about our State Approved Credit Program services, please click here.

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Due Diligence Analysis

When considering the acquisition or partnership with another business, consider Acuity Risk Consultants.  We offer due diligence services for private and public corporations and non-profit organizations.

Our services include:

  • Transactional Due Diligence: We help coordinate the risk management aspects of your merger, acquisition or pre-development process.
  • Incremental Due Diligence: Certain business decisions do not fall into the normal custom and routine of operating your business. We can assist in meeting your risk management objectives during these periods.
  • Compliance Due Diligence: Certain state and federal laws govern the operation of your business and fines can be hefty. We help your business achieve and maintain compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

To contact us about our Due Diligence Analysis services, please click here.

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Specialized Services

The dynamic field of risk management and insurance presents new dilemmas for our partners every day. We’re ready. Acuity Risk Consultants offers our partners strategic counsel and risk management support services to address your comprehensive needs.

Our services include:

  • Risk Management Program reports for Boards and executive management.
  • Annual insurance policy, coverage and endorsement analysis.
  • Contract reviews and business agreement analysis to ensure your partners protect you.
  • Risk Assessment Surveys for your new business ventures.
  • Catastrophic Loss Management following a natural or unnatural disaster.
  • Business Continuity planning.

To contact us about our Specialized Services, please click here.

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